Lagrange: likelihood analysis of geographic range evolution Version: 20130526 Author: Richard Ree Newick tree with interior nodes labeled: ((((((((P_hawaiiensis_WaikamoiL1:0.965685049879,P_mauiensis_Eke:0.965685049879)N2:0.708625793535,(P_fauriei2:1.23021851098,P_hathewayi_1:1.23021851098)N5:0.444092332438)N6:0.176711555244,(P_kaduana_PuuKukuiAS:1.85102239866,P_mauiensis_PepeAS:1.85102239866)N9:0.00088978628018)N10:0.334737598604,P_kaduana_HawaiiLoa:2.18575999726)N12:0.302349378005,(P_greenwelliae07:1.13136325525,P_greenwelliae907:1.13136325525)N15:1.35674612002)N16:1.68917027429,((((P_mariniana_MauiNui:1.99401105388,P_hawaiiensis_Makaopuhi:1.99401105388)N19:0.732827980356,P_mariniana_Oahu:2.72683903424)N21:0.257415170856,P_mariniana_Kokee2:2.9842542051)N23:0.460108485481,P_wawraeDL7428:3.44436269058)N25:0.732916958984)N26:0.734518574289,(P_grandiflora_Kal2:2.47930049109,P_hobdyi_Kuia:2.47930049109)N29:2.43249773276)N30:0.28731198987,((P_hexandra_K1:2.36398418918,P_hexandra_M:2.36398418918)N33:0.463044780206,P_hexandra_Oahu:2.82693999076)N35:2.37208124433)N36:0.0; Cladogram (branch lengths not to scale): -----+ [M] P_hawaiiensis_WaikamoiL1 ---N2+ : -----+ [M] P_mauiensis_Eke ---N6+ : : -----+ [O] P_fauriei2 : ---N5+ --N10+ -----+ [O] P_hathewayi_1 : : : : --------+ [M] P_kaduana_PuuKukuiAS --N12+ -----N9+ : : --------+ [M] P_mauiensis_PepeAS : : --N16+ --------------------+ [O] P_kaduana_HawaiiLoa : : : : -------------+ [K] P_greenwelliae07 : ---------N15+ : -------------+ [K] P_greenwelliae907 : --N26+ ------+ [M] P_mariniana_MauiNui : : ---N19+ : : ---N21+ ------+ [H] P_hawaiiensis_Makaopuhi : : : : : : ---N23+ ------------+ [O] P_mariniana_Oahu --N30+ : : : : : ---N25+ ------------------+ [K] P_mariniana_Kokee2 : : : : : ------------------------+ [K] P_wawraeDL7428 : : N36+ : ------------------+ [K] P_grandiflora_Kal2 : --------------N29+ : ------------------+ [K] P_hobdyi_Kuia : : --------------+ [K] P_hexandra_K1 : ----------N33+ ----------N35+ --------------+ [K] P_hexandra_M : ---------------------------+ [O] P_hexandra_Oahu Global ML at root node: -lnL = 35.21 dispersal = 0.04271 extinction = 0.04305 Ancestral range subdivision/inheritance scenarios ('splits') at internal nodes. * Split format: [left|right], where 'left' and 'right' are the ranges inherited by each descendant branch (on the printed tree, 'left' is the upper branch, and 'right' the lower branch). * Only splits within 2 log-likelihood units of the maximum for each node are shown. 'Rel.Prob' is the relative probability (fraction of the global likelihood) of a split. At node N36: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|KO] -35.93 0.487 [K|K] -36.22 0.3648 [K|O] -38.28 0.04659 [KO|K] -38.59 0.03422 [KO|O] -38.85 0.02622 At node N30: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|K] -35.31 0.9098 [KO|K] -37.98 0.06262 At node N26: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|K] -35.42 0.8129 [KO|K] -37.51 0.1 [O|KO] -39.39 0.01531 [K|KO] -39.45 0.01447 [KM|K] -39.51 0.01357 At node N16: split lnL Rel.Prob [O|K] -35.49 0.7563 [M|K] -37.32 0.121 [O|KO] -38 0.0613 [KO|K] -39.02 0.02209 At node N12: split lnL Rel.Prob [O|O] -35.55 0.7158 [OM|O] -36.74 0.2177 [O|KO] -39.07 0.02114 At node N10: split lnL Rel.Prob [OM|M] -35.26 0.9533 At node N6: split lnL Rel.Prob [M|O] -35.31 0.9066 [OM|O] -38.37 0.04261 [M|OM] -38.55 0.03558 At node N2: split lnL Rel.Prob [M|M] -35.23 0.982 At node N5: split lnL Rel.Prob [O|O] -35.24 0.9742 At node N9: split lnL Rel.Prob [M|M] -35.21 0.9991 At node N15: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|K] -35.23 0.977 At node N25: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|K] -35.44 0.7974 [KO|K] -37.75 0.07905 [KM|K] -38.15 0.05268 [KH|K] -38.21 0.05 At node N23: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|K] -36.27 0.3456 [O|K] -36.87 0.1895 [M|K] -37.1 0.1519 [H|K] -37.11 0.1498 [KO|K] -38.76 0.02883 [O|KO] -38.81 0.02729 [KM|K] -38.88 0.02554 [KH|K] -38.89 0.02518 [M|KM] -39.03 0.02187 At node N21: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|K] -37 0.1679 [O|O] -37.2 0.1367 [M|M] -37.26 0.1291 [H|H] -37.27 0.1272 [M|O] -37.89 0.06848 [H|O] -37.9 0.06798 [M|K] -37.98 0.06297 [H|K] -37.98 0.06271 [K|O] -37.98 0.06256 [MH|H] -39.85 0.009683 [MH|M] -39.85 0.009683 [M|OM] -39.93 0.008932 [H|OH] -39.94 0.008866 [O|KO] -40.02 0.008159 [K|KO] -40.02 0.008159 [KO|O] -40.12 0.007395 [OM|O] -40.15 0.00719 At node N19: split lnL Rel.Prob [M|H] -36.37 0.3153 [M|M] -37.37 0.1156 [H|H] -37.38 0.1146 [M|K] -37.77 0.07746 [K|H] -37.77 0.07741 [K|K] -38.22 0.04924 [M|O] -38.27 0.04686 [O|H] -38.27 0.04682 [O|O] -38.72 0.03006 [MH|H] -38.74 0.0293 [M|MH] -38.74 0.0293 [KM|M] -40.14 0.007198 [KM|K] -40.14 0.007198 [H|KH] -40.15 0.007194 At node N29: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|K] -35.23 0.9824 At node N35: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|O] -35.53 0.7261 [K|K] -37.39 0.1132 [K|KO] -37.53 0.09851 [KO|O] -38.33 0.04429 At node N33: split lnL Rel.Prob [K|K] -35.25 0.9638